How long will I wait for installation after I place an application?

Immediately you contact us for installation, one of our field agents will visit your home to gather all the requirements, after this, you will be notified the date of the installation.

How do I make payments?

We have very flexible Pay-as-You-Go (PAYGO) payment models. You can pay each day, per week or on a monthly subscription basis through M-Pesa pay bill number.

Does SUNami products come with any warranty?

SUNami teamprovide continuous maintenance throughout the subscription period.

What happens when I am not able to pay for my subscription?

You will receive notice over SMS two days before your payment is due. If you fail to make the payment, your system will be switched off until you make a payment. Instances where you fail to submit your payments after switching off for 21 continuous days, the contract will be terminated, and the system uninstalled.

Do I own the solar and all the products?

You remain the owner of the solar system and all the products after the subscription period has ended.